Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I hope you are enjoying all the beautiful autumn changes that are happening outside and the cooler and rainy weather too!  It is an exciting time of the year for the children and it is a busy time in the classroom!

As you can see from the work coming home, the children are continuing to make books.  We have finished the Mom and I Went to the Zoo innovation and have been reading them to each other.  I would encourage the children to reread them as much as possible.  It’s also good to have them point to the words while they read them.  We also made a class book based on Mrs. Wishy-Washy and another one about what they will be for Halloween called Spooky Who is This? The children continue to write in their journals, illustrate poetry, and work with beginning sounds and rhyming.

Our big art project for the week was drawing and painting different zoo animals (pictures below).  The students traced different shapes to make the different parts of their animals.  They came out great!

We will be focusing on families and homes during the next couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  The students started making family collages, which will include everyone who lives in their homes and they will also create a class book with their houses and addresses.  It would be helpful if you could work with your child on memorizing his/her street address.  Phone numbers are also useful pieces of information for children to learn.

We had our first Francis Wyman SOARS Assembly today.  The whole school gathered in the gym to recognize students’ accomplishments, especially in the areas of self-control and outstanding effort.  We participated in a whole-school movement activity, heard from Steve Nugent about self-discipline (karate), and watched one student from each class play “Pin the Face on the Pumpkin.”  It was an enjoyable way to end a busy week!

Our class will be participating in the Francis Wyman Halloween Parade on Monday.  It was start around 9am.  Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school and can change out of them after the parade.  Please be sure to label every part of the costume and send in a labeled bag for costumes after the parade.  Parents are invited to watch us parade through the gym and to take pictures.  If you do not want your child to participate in the parade, please let me know as soon as possible.  Monday is sure to be an exciting day for the students!  We will not be having a party but will be reading special stories, singing special Halloween songs, and doing a few fun activities.

I will be sending a parent conference schedule home early next week.  Thursday, December 1st is a conference day and there will be no school for students that day.  I will try to fit as many conferences into that day as possible but may do a few on other days as well.  Please look at the schedule when it comes home and let me know if you can’t make it so we can set up another time.

Have a great weekend!

Melanie Duncan

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