Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3, 2017 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We had a very exciting week in Kindergarten!  The students enjoyed the Superfish Presentation on Monday from the Burlington Science Center and we had a wonderful field trip to the Aquarium on Tuesday.  The students stayed busy the rest of the week writing persuasive letters, making a class book about birthdays, practicing sight words, and exploring addition and subtraction in math.

We have started a unit on persuasive writing.  The students are currently writing letters to me, trying to persuade me to get a certain class pet.  They are off to a great start!  Students have also been learning the difference between facts and opinions and have been sharing their opinions about whether or not parents should let them stay up late, which animals make better pets, what foods are the best, etc.  It has been fun listening to their opinions and reasons why they believe certain things!  The students will eventually be writing persuasive letter to their parents about a topic of their choice!  Get ready!

Our school will be participating in an all-school post office mailing system from February 6-14. Each class has an address (ours is 115 Aquarium Dr. Burlington, MA 01803).  Students can write letters to each other, to siblings, or to teachers in the building and the third graders will deliver them.  It will be a great way for our students to practice letter-writing!  You are also welcome to participate.  You can write a letter to your child and mail it in the blue post office box that is either outside the main office or by the lost and found.  Real stamps are not necessary.  You can use either a sticker or draw one.

Our 100th day of school should be on Thursday, February 16th, unless we have a snow day before then.  We have some fun 100th day activities we will do on that day.  I would like to encourage students to bring in a collection of 100 non-edible items that we can use to practice counting to 100 on our 100th day.  Collections could be made from toothpicks, buttons, pennies, crayons, or other small items.  They should be counted at home and put in a labeled baggie with the student’s name on it.  These will be returned afterwards.

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 14th.  Students are welcome to bring an extra snack to eat while we open our valentines.  Just a reminder...valentines need to be food/candy free.  Stickers, tattoos, pencils, etc. make nice alternatives.  Students are welcome to bring their valentines in any time next week.

Other reminders:

February vacation will be February 20-24.

Please don’t forget to return the blue progress report folder.

We will be going to library this Wednesday, February 8.  Please return books.

Keep working on sight words and addition fluency facts.  I just did a quick assessment to see how they were doing.  They are making progress but still need practice!

Have a great weekend!

Melanie Duncan

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