Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cloud Show

Mr. Musselman from the Burlington Science Center visited our classroom today and taught us some interesting facts about clouds!  He even taught us how to make clouds!

What did we learn?

Clouds come in different shapes and form in different parts of the sky.  Different kinds of clouds tell us about different kinds of weather...

Cirrus Clouds - form high in the sky where it is cold, can form before a storm.
Cumulus Clouds - look like puffy cotton balls and form low in the sky.
Nimbus Clouds - rain may be on the way!
Stratus Clouds - are like damp sheets, hang low in the sky and often cover the whole sky, rain or snow may be on the way.

Clouds are made up of three ingredients, water, heat and cold air.  You can make one in your own kitchen!

How to make a cloud:
1.  Heat up water.
2.  Put snow, ice or ice pack in an aluminum pie plate.
3,  Cover water with aluminum pie plate.

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